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Python Indentation, Comments and Variables
Object Oriented Programming in Python
Exception Handling in Python
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Unit test in python programming
Python programming (zero to advance!!!)
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In Python, a module is a file containing Python code. It can define functions, classes, and variables that can be used in other Python scripts or modules. Modules help organize code into logical units and facilitate code reuse across multiple projects.

Here are some key points about Python modules:

1. Organization of Code: Modules provide a way to organize code into separate files based on functionality or purpose. Each module typically focuses on a specific aspect of the program.

2. Code Reusability: Modules enable code reuse across different parts of a program or across different programs. Once defined, functions, classes, and variables in a module can be imported and used in other Python scripts or modules.

3. Importing Modules: To use the contents of a module in your Python script, you need to import it using the `import` statement. Python provides various ways to import modules, such as `import module_name`, `from module_name import *`, and `import module_name as alias`.

4. Standard Library Modules: Python comes with a standard library that includes a wide range of modules covering different functionalities, such as `os` for operating system interactions, `math` for mathematical operations, `datetime` for working with dates and times, and `random` for generating random numbers.

5. Third-Party Modules: In addition to the standard library, there is a vast ecosystem of third-party modules available for Python. These modules provide additional functionalities and features that can be easily integrated into Python projects using package managers like `pip`.

6. Creating Your Own Modules: You can create your own modules by writing Python code in separate `.py` files and then importing them into your scripts as needed. This allows you to organize your codebase into reusable components and improve code maintainability.

Overall, modules play a crucial role in Python programming by promoting code organization, reusability, and modularity, thereby making it easier to develop and maintain Python applications.

Below are examples demonstrating the creation of a module and its usage in Python:

Example: Creating a Module

1. Module File (

# Define a function in the module
def greet(name):
return f”Hello, {name}!”

# Define a variable in the module
favorite_color = “blue”

Example: Using the Module

2. Script File (

# Import the module
import my_module

# Call the function from the module
message = my_module.greet(“Alice”)
print(message) # Output: Hello, Alice!

# Access the variable from the module
print(“Alice’s favorite color is”, my_module.favorite_color) # Output: Alice’s favorite color is blue

In this example:
– We created a module named `` containing a function `greet()` and a variable `favorite_color`.
– In the `` script, we imported the `my_module` module using the `import` statement.
– We accessed the function `greet()` and the variable `favorite_color` from the module and used them in the script.

This demonstrates how modules help organize code into reusable units and how they can be imported and used in other Python scripts.

Python comes with a rich standard library that includes numerous inbuilt modules covering a wide range of functionalities. Here are some of the commonly used inbuilt modules in Python:

1. os: Provides a portable way to interact with the operating system.
2. sys: Provides access to some variables used or maintained by the Python interpreter and to functions that interact strongly with the interpreter.
3. math: Provides access to mathematical functions.
4. random: Generates pseudo-random numbers, shuffles sequences, and selects random items.
5. datetime: Supplies classes for manipulating dates and times.
6. json: Enables encoding and decoding JSON data.
7. csv: Supports reading and writing of CSV files.
8. re: Provides regular expression matching operations.
9. requests: Allows sending HTTP requests easily.
10. collections: Provides specialized container datatypes.
11. argparse: Facilitates building command-line interfaces.
12. pickle: Implements binary protocols for serializing and de-serializing Python objects.
13. socket: Provides access to the BSD socket interface.
14. sqlite3: Enables the use of SQLite databases.
15. subprocess: Allows the creation of additional processes, as well as their input/output.
16. logging: Supports logging application messages.
17. timeit: Measures the execution time of small code snippets.
18. unittest: Supports automated testing.
19. gzip: Provides tools for file compression and decompression using the gzip format.
20. urllib: Enables the opening and reading of URLs.
21. xml: Provides facilities for working with XML.
22. zipfile: Allows working with ZIP archives.
23. itertools: Provides various functions for creating iterators.
24. hashlib: Implements secure hash and message digest algorithms.
25. os.path: Module for common pathname manipulations.

These modules, along with many others, form the backbone of Python’s standard library and can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks without the need for external dependencies.


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