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Consecutive zeros

The goal of this challenge is to analyze a binary string consisting of only zeros and ones. Your code should find the biggest number of consecutive zeros in the string. For example, given the string:


The biggest number of consecutive zeros is 3.

Define a function named consecutive_zeros that takes a single parameter, which is the string of zeros and ones. Your function should return the number described above.


==== SOLUTION ====

You can implement the `consecutive_zeros` function in Python by iterating through the binary string and keeping track of the maximum consecutive zeros encountered. Here’s how you can do it:

def consecutive_zeros(s):
         max_zeros = 0
         current_zeros = 0
         for char in s:
                if  char == ‘0’:
                         current_zeros += 1
                         max_zeros = max(max_zeros, current_zeros)
                         current_zeros = 0
         return max_zeros

# Test the function
print(consecutive_zeros(“1001101000110”)) # Output: 3


1. `def consecutive_zeros(s):`: This line defines a function named `consecutive_zeros` that takes a single parameter `s`, which is the binary string consisting of zeros and ones.

2. `max_zeros = 0`: This line initializes a variable `max_zeros` to keep track of the maximum number of consecutive zeros encountered.

3. `current_zeros = 0`: This line initializes a variable `current_zeros` to keep track of the number of consecutive zeros encountered in the current streak.

4. `for char in s:`: This loop iterates through each character in the binary string `s`.

5. `if char == ‘0’:`: This conditional statement checks if the current character is ‘0’.

6. `current_zeros += 1`: If the current character is ‘0’, it increments the `current_zeros` counter.

7. `max_zeros = max(max_zeros, current_zeros)`: This line updates the `max_zeros` counter to the maximum value between the current value of `max_zeros` and `current_zeros`. This ensures that `max_zeros` stores the maximum number of consecutive zeros encountered.

8. `else:`: If the current character is not ‘0’, it means the streak of consecutive zeros is broken, so we reset the `current_zeros` counter to 0.

9. Finally, the function returns `max_zeros`, which contains the maximum number of consecutive zeros encountered.

So, when you call `consecutive_zeros(“1001101000110”)`, it returns `3` because the biggest number of consecutive zeros in the string is 3.


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