Counting syllables
Define a function named count
that takes a single parameter. The parameter is a string. The string will contain a single word divided into syllables by hyphens, such as these:
Your function should count the number of syllables and return it.
For example, the call count("ho-tel")
should return 2
==== SOLUTION ====
You can implement the `count` function in Python by counting the number of hyphens in the input string and adding 1 to get the total number of syllables. Here’s how you can do it:
def count(s):
   # Count the number of hyphens and add 1 to get the number of syllables
    return s.count(‘-‘) + 1
# Test the function
print(count(“ho-tel”)) # Output: 2
print(count(“cat”)) # Output: 1
print(count(“met-a-phor”)) # Output: 3
print(count(“ter-min-a-tor”)) # Output: 4
1. `def count(s):`: This line defines a function named `count` that takes a single parameter `s`, which is a string containing syllables divided by hyphens.
2. `return s.count(‘-‘) + 1`: This line counts the number of hyphens in the string `s` using the `count()` method and adds 1 to it. The result is the number of syllables in the word.
So, when you call `count(“ho-tel”)`, it returns `2` because there are two syllables separated by a hyphen. Similarly, for `”cat”`, it returns `1`, and for `”met-a-phor”` it returns `3`, and for `”ter-min-a-tor”`, it returns `4`.